Case Study

GCP to AWS Migration of Rapidly Growing Hostel Booking Startup.


After completing appropriate growth in a startup, an entrepreneurial venture started growing at a rapid pace in the travel and tourism industry. Travel usually turns out to be an expensive affair for most people on a budget. The client wanted to innovate travel for people on a budget.

He came up with the idea of contacting various hostels and streaming them on one single platform and launched a hostel booking system with various filters. Renting a hostel becomes a cost-effective solution for solo travelers and students. The young and the restless made this venture successful through word-of-mouth publicity.


The whist business was booming, the client often times faced the issue of the website getting hanged due to extensive traffic on the website. Since the company would have booked for both domestic and intervention destinations at odd hours the server was getting stocked.

This became a major issue as the company was growing rapidly and could not keep up with their growing and loyal clientele. Instead of introducing more features, the client had to run in fixing technical issues every now and then. This called for an intervention in the way things have been going on.

THE Inclotech EFFECT

Inclotech was immediately contacted in the midst of all the technical tragedies the company faced day in and out.
With technical expertise, team Inclotech made a comprehensive overview of the working of the servers, detecting the performance issue with Google cloud server, application performance, and payment gateway. There were multiple cases of customer dropouts were noted on the various stages of the buying cycle of the hostel bookings.

Team Inclotech analyzed the situation and decided that they would implement the web application on a separate server and the database on a separate server. This division enabled the application to run smoothly. Another positive aspect was that any changes in the application did not affect the database.

Also, team inclotech deployed web application firewall and server auto-scaling with an elastic load balancer. Normal users can easily access web app and if any attacks happen or anyone trying to attack the server then a web application firewall will control that attack and block the attacker’s IP address in the web application firewall.

The auto-scale application was also implemented in case the current servers receive more traffic. In this way, Inclotech helped utilize the full resources of scale.
Eventually, Inclotech helped the client in simplifying the management of the application and database.
And the client could finally concentrate on marketing operations because it started relishing the smoothness of clean technical operations that enabled the concrete floor for the future growth of the company.

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